
Principal Investigator: Nazar Vadzyuk.

Trial type(s): Medical devices, Medicines, Non-interventional studies.

Trial phase(s): Phase III, Phase IV.

Medical area(s): Orthopedics, Rheumatology, Traumatology.

Disease(s): Osteoarthritis.

Clinical base (Hospital or Institution with beds): Medikom.

Department(s) of Clinical base: Therapeutic, Surgical, Outpatient.

Additional information:

Outpatient and hospital clinic with whole cicle of diagnostics (laboratory, x-ray, USG, CT) and treatment (all specialities).

Address info

Contact person: Nazar Vadzyuk.

Address of Clinical base: 04210 Ukraine, Kyivska Oblast, Kyiv, Heroiv Stalingradu, 6d.

Tel.: +380500754654, +380679835888.


The information is published by the Investigator.