Chernihiv medical center of modern oncology

Principal Investigator: Oleksandr Zub.

Trial type(s): Medicines.

Trial phase(s): Phase III.

Medical area(s): Abdominal Surgery, General Surgery, Hematology, Oncohematology, Oncology, Surgery, Urology, Women’s Health.

Disease(s): Anemia, Cancer, Colon cancer, Kidney cancer, Lung cancer, Neutropenia, Ovarian cancer, Pain, Prostate cancer, Rectal cancer, Skin cancer, Stomach cancer, Uterine cancer.

Trial experience (full years): 2.

Clinical base (Hospital or Institution with beds): Chernihiv medical center of modern oncology.

Department(s) of Clinical base: Clinical oncology and Gynecology department.

Additional information:

I am a representative of Chernihiv Medical Center of Modern Oncology, my specialty is a clinical oncologist and gynecologic oncologist, I am a head of the clinical oncology and gynecology department.  

Our department has all the conditions for clinical trials in various fields – gynecology, oncogynecology, general surgery, oncosurgery, thoracic surgery, mammology,hematology – we have a qualified team that regularly participate in clinical trials, the availability of necessary equipment and a large flow of patients with various benign and malignant pathology.


Team members are constantly improving their knowledge, as evidenced by a number of international certificates (ESGO, GESEA and others), are active members of the international communities (ESMO, ESSO, ASCO, ESGO, CEEGOG and others) and regularly attend international conferences.


Internships in foreign clinics are also an integral part of the professional growth of our team. That is why, last year (2019), team members underwent internships in leading hospitals in Europe and Asia – Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris, France), Shanghai Cancer Center (Shanghai, China), Bialystok Oncology Center, Gustave Russi Institute of Oncology (Paris, France), Alexandrov Republican Research and Practice Center of Oncology (Minsk, Belarus).

Address info

Contact person: Oleksandr Zub.

Address of Clinical base: 14029 Ukraine, Chernihivska Oblast, Chernihiv, Mury ave,211.

Tel.: +380507058899.

Fax: 8-04622 5 31 27.


The information is published by the Investigator.