Kharkiv City Children’s Clinical Hospital #19

Principal Investigator: Kostiantyn Voloshyn.

Trial type(s): Medical devices, Medicines.

Trial phase(s): Phase III, Phase IV.

Medical area(s): Allergology, Gastroenterology, Immunology, Pediatrics, Pulmonology.

Trial experience (full years): 7.

Clinical base (Hospital or Institution with beds): Communal Nonprofit enterprise “City Children’s Clinical Hospital #19” of Kharkiv City council.

Department(s) of Clinical base: Somatic Department #1.

Address info

Contact person: Oleksandr Ashcheulov.

Address of Clinical base: Ukraine, Kharkivska Oblast, Kharkiv.

Tel.: +38-050-406-65-46.


The information is published by the Investigator.