Kyiv city hospital #9 neurological department

Principal Investigator: Kliuchnykova Olha.

Trial type(s): Medical devices, Medicines, Non-interventional studies.

Trial phase(s): Phase II, Phase III, Phase IV.

Medical area(s): Gerontology, Infectious Diseases, Intensive Care, Neurology.

Disease(s): Alzheimer’s disease, Asthenia, Atherosclerosis, Dementia, Diabetic Neuropathy, Migraine, Myasthenia, Pain, Panic disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Pneumonia, Stroke, Vertigo.

Trial experience (full years): 11.

Clinical base (Hospital or Institution with beds): Kyiv city hospital#9.

Department(s) of Clinical base: neurological department.

Address info

Contact person: Olha Kliuchnykova.

Address of Clinical base: 04112 Ukraine, Kyivska Oblast, Kyiv, Ryzska 1.

Tel.: +380677060467, +380638292119.

Fax: +380444401144.


The information is published by the Investigator.