Municipal Noncommercial Enterprise of Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Medical Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology n.a. V.I. Shapoval “

Principal Investigator: Igor Antonyan.

Trial type(s): Medicines.

Trial phase(s): Phase II, Phase III, Phase IV.

Medical area(s): Oncology, Urology.

Disease(s): Bladder cancer, Cancer, Kidney cancer, Urinary Tract Infection.

Trial experience (full years): 9.

Clinical base (Hospital or Institution with beds): Municipal Noncommercial Enterprise of Kharkiv Regional Council "Regional Medical Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology n.a. V.I. Shapoval ".

Department(s) of Clinical base: urology.

Address info

Contact person: Igor Antonyan.

Address of Clinical base: 61037 Ukraine, Kharkivska Oblast, Kharkiv, 195 Moskovskyy avenue.

Tel.: +380577387134.


The information is published by the Investigator.