
Services: Consulting, Couriering, Customs, Data management, Equipment, IMP, Insurance, Regulatory, Trial materials.

Director/Head: Rostislav Kachan.

Contact person: Natalia Ogienko.

About Company:

COREX Depot is a state-of-the-art clinical trial supply and logistics group with operations in Post-Soviet Countries and EE (Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria and Romania). 

• ISO 9001 certified Total Quality Management System compliant to all GxP requirements 
• Comprehensive set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) proved by numerous audits and regulatory inspections
• Unique online cloud-based CFR 21 part 11 compliant Warehouse Management System (WMS) 
• Full-cycle clinical supply chain without third-parties
• In-depth local expertise and know-how
• Study supply optimization through overarching simulation, forecasting and cost-management for clinical trials 
• Exclusive pricing for comparator sourcing (direct procurement from manufacturers) 
• Flexible protocol-related budgeting
• Negotiable volume and cumulative discounts

Address info

Address of Company office: Ukraine, Kyivska Oblast, Kyiv.

Tel.: +380444956041, +380444656041.


The information is published by the representative of Company.