According to the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine, the statistics of breast cancer in Ukraine (2015) show: the Prevalence: 135,277 patients; rate – 373.1 patients per 100 thousand population (males – 4.8; females – 692.1). The Incidence: 14,461 new cases; rate (age-standardized, world standard) – 25.2 new cases per 100 thousand population (males – 0.5; females – 44.1). The Mortality rate (age-standardized, world standard) – 9.4 deaths per 100 thousand population (males – 0.2; females – 15.9). The Incidence (children population): 2 new cases; rate – 0.0 new cases per 100 thousand children population (males – 0.0; females – 0.0).
Standardization of medical care
The Order of the MoH of Ukraine of 30.06.2015 № 396 “On the approval and implementation of medical and technological documents on standardization of medical care for breast cancer”.
Clinical trials including adults /in adults, adults & children/
- Globally, there are 1283 recruiting clinical trials (all trials – 5997) for breast cancer, including 300 Phase I and 41 Phase IV trials at
- World leaders: the USA – 696, France – 137, China – 132 recruiting trials.
- CEE leaders: Austria – 27, the Czech Republic – 21, Poland – 19 recruiting trials.
- Ukraine: there are 4 recruiting clinical trials conducted on 11 clinical sites in 11 cities (NB: counted 3 from 4 trials). The country experience includes 59 Phase I, II, and III clinical trials for breast cancer totally conducted on 32 clinical sites in 24 cities (NB: counted 57 from 59 trials). The city leaders by the number of clinical trials: Dnipro – 50, Lviv – 41, Kharkiv/Kyiv – 30 trials. The city leaders by the number of clinical sites: Kyiv – 4, Kharkiv – 3, Dnipro/Uzhhorod/ Vinnytsia – 2 sites.
Clinical trials on medical devices
- Globally, there are 128 recruiting clinical trials, including 14 Phase I trials.
- World leaders: the USA – 64, France – 11, Canada/China – 10 recruiting trials.
- CEE leaders: Austria only – 1 recruiting clinical trial.
Clinical trials with stem cells
- Globally, there are 5 recruiting clinical trials, including 2 Phase I trials.
- World leaders: the USA – 3, China/France – 1 recruiting trial.
- CEE leaders: no recruiting clinical trials.
Clinical trials including children /pediatric, in children & adults/
- Globally, there are 48 recruiting clinical trials (all trials – 412) for breast cancer, including 7 Phase I and 1 Phase IV trial.
- World leaders: the USA – 22, China – 9, Italy/the United Kingdom – 5 recruiting trials.
- CEE leaders: Hungary – 2, Austria/Bulgaria/Croatia/the Czech Republic/Poland/the Russian Federation/Slovenia – 1 recruiting trial.
- Ukraine: no recruiting clinical trials. No country experience.
Clinical trials on medical devices
- Globally, there are 7 recruiting clinical trials; Phase I trials – 0.
- World leaders: Canada/China – 2, Belgium/the United Kingdom/the USA – 1 recruiting trial.
- CEE leaders: no recruiting trials.
Clinical trials with stem cells
- Globally, no recruiting clinical trials.
Non-interventional studies including adults /in adults, adults & children/
- Globally, there are 317 recruiting observational studies for breast cancer, including 4 studies on medical devices.
- World leaders: the USA – 163, China/France – 23, Canada – 19 recruiting studies.
- CEE leaders: Austria – 4, Bulgaria/the Czech Republic/Romania – 1 recruiting study.
Non-interventional studies including children /pediatric, in children & adults/
- Globally, there are 34 recruiting observational studies for breast cancer; no studies on medical devices.
- World leaders: the USA – 18, the United Kingdom – 4, Canada/China/Germany/the Republic of Korea/the Switzerland – 2 recruiting studies.
- CEE leaders: no recruiting studies.
NB! The cities located in the non-controlled territories of Ukraine are not included in the statistics.