According to the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine, the statistics of skin melanoma in Ukraine (2015) show: the Prevalence: 21,961 patients; rate – 60.6 patients per 100 thousand population (males – 44.6; females – 74.4). The Incidence: 2796 new cases; rate (age-standardized, world standard) – 4.9 new cases per 100 thousand population (males – 5.0; females – 4.9). The Mortality rate (age-standardized, world standard) – 1.6 deaths per 100 thousand population (males – 1.9; females – 1.4). The Incidence (children population): 10 new cases; rate – 0.1 new cases per 100 thousand children population (males – 0.2; females – 0.0).
Standardization of medical care
- The Order of the MoH of Ukraine of 27.11.2015 № 784 “On the approval and implementation of medical and technological documents on standardization of medical care for melanoma”.
Clinical trials including adults /in adults, adults & children/
- Globally, there are 365 recruiting clinical trials (all trials – 1687) for melanoma, including 179 Phase I and 4 Phase IV trials at
- World leaders: the USA – 233, France – 45, Australia/Canada – 30 recruiting trials.
- CEE leaders: Poland – 10, the Russian Federation – 9, Austria – 8 recruiting trials.
- Ukraine: no recruiting clinical trials. The country experience includes 10 Phase II and III clinical trials for melanoma totally conducted on 15 clinical sites in 13 cities The city leaders by the number of clinical trials: Dnipro – 10, Lviv – 9, Kyiv – 7 trials. The city leaders by the number of clinical sites: Dnipro/Kyiv – 2 sites.
Clinical trials on medical devices
- Globally, there are 13 recruiting clinical trials (all trials – 46), including 6 Phase I trials.
- World leaders: the USA – 4, the Netherlands – 3, the other countries – 1 recruiting trials.
- CEE leaders: no recruiting clinical trials.
Clinical trials with stem cells
- Globally, there are 3 recruiting clinical trials (all trials – 28), including 1 Phase I trial.
- World leaders: the USA only – 3 recruiting trials.
Clinical trials including children /pediatric, in children & adults/
- Globally, there are 19 recruiting clinical trials (all trials – 166) for melanoma, including 9 Phase I and 0 Phase IV trials.
- World leaders: the USA – 16, Italy/the United Kingdom – 4, Australia/Canada – 3 recruiting trials.
- CEE leaders: the Czech Republic/Hungary/Poland/Romania/the Russian Federation/Slovenia – 1 recruiting trial.
- Ukraine: no recruiting clinical trials. No country experience for melanoma.
Clinical trials on medical devices
- Globally, 1 recruiting clinical trial (all trials – 6) is a Phase I trial conducted in the USA.
Clinical trials with stem cells
- Globally, there are 2 recruiting clinical trials (all trials – 8), including 1 Phase I trial.
- World leaders: the USA – 2 recruiting trials.
- CEE leaders: no recruiting trials.
Non-interventional studies including adults /in adults, adults & children/
- Globally, there are 83 recruiting observational studies for melanoma, including 4 studies on medical devices.
- World leaders: the USA – 49, Germany – 7, Canada/Italy – 6 recruiting studies.
- CEE leaders: Austria/Poland – 2, Slovenia – 1 recruiting study.
Non-interventional studies including children /pediatric, in children & adults/
- Globally, there are 22 recruiting observational studies for melanoma; no studies on medical devices.
- World leaders: the USA – 15, the other countries – 1 recruiting study.
- CEE leaders: no recruiting studies.
NB! The cities located in the non-controlled territories of Ukraine are not included in the statistics.